John Liu Phi-2 Shield
 Photo: John Liu
Shield URL: Phi-2 Shield
Maker: John Liu
16X2 LCD or 20X4 LCD (2004 model) character display with additional features.
- 6 push buttons: four arranged like a control pad with four as arrow keys and two more on the side.
- 2 RJ45 ports to pass as many as 16 long and robust connections to sensors or control devices.
- Optional buzzer in place of an RJ45 for tones. You can connect any arduino pin to the buzzer.
- Optional sensor block to sense most common sensors, such as thermistors for temperature, resistive pressure sensors, light-dependent resistor for light, Hall effect magnetic sensors etc. You can connect any arduino pin to the buzzer.
- Two 3mm LEDs as indicators. You are free to choose which arduino pin to drive the LEDs with.
- Real time clock with battery backup keeps the time when Arduino is turned off
- EEPROM for easy data logging keeps data when Arduino is turned off
- GPS connector and breakout for a GPS module
- Reset button for Arduino
- All Arduino pins are brought out for maximal flexibility.
The I2C bus is not tied to analog pins 4 and 5 but brought next to them, so that the shield can be used with either Uno-compatible boards or Mega-compatible boards by jumpering to the appropriate connection.
Open Source: No, not OSHW-compliant
License: Proprietary / closed source
Source: Unknown